Tasks Settings

There are a number of settings required to enable On-Demand and Scheduled tasks to work, we recommend you go through the following one-by-one…

In order of importance!


Type: string (required)

The name of the task queue on GCP used for on-demand tasks. This will be created (if not already present) when you enqueue your first task.


Type: string (required)

The base url of the server to which tasks will be pushed. In production, this’ll need to be set to the URL of your worker service (see Deploying Workers).


In local development, set up localtunnel and use its -s option to set yourself an amusing subdomain. You can then set GCP_TASKS_DOMAIN = "https://king-julian-in-da-house.loca.lt" in your local environment, and receive https:// traffic.

That’s awesome, because (assuming you’ve installed local credentials per Locally it allows you to spin up actual real queues and schedules on GCP to get a feel for how this all works.


Type: string

Default: None

This is a label which is affixed to the names of all resources created by django_gcp. It’s HIGHLY RECOMMENDED that you set this to avoid confusion about what resources belong to what applications, and to enable cleanup of old resources.

If left unset, there’ll be no affix applied. This might be exactly what you want, for example if you manage all your task queues and scheduler jobs on existing infrastructure or using terraform, your own naming convention may already apply.


Without setting GCP_TASKS_RESOURCE_AFFIX, django-gcp won’t be able to clean up after itself so you’ll have to remove any resources manually yourself.

Make sure you don’t have multiple independent django apps with the same affix, or one app may delete resources for another.


SubscriberTask subclasses that listen to a PubSub topic don’t automatically add a prefix to the topic name they listen to. This allows you to subscribe to any topic on GCP for triggering tasks; if you want to use the prefix you can do so when defining the topic_name override


Type: string

Default: “europe-west1”

The region in which resources (Task Queues, Scheduler Jobs, and PubSub topics) are accessed and/or created.


Type: string

Default: “–”

The delimiter used when creating resource names with an affix or other identifier.


Type: boolean

Default: False

If set to true, tasks will synchronously execute when their enqueue() method ``is called (eg within a request).

Whilst not generally useful in production, this can be quite helpful for straightforward debugging of tasks in local environments.


Type: boolean

Default: False

If set to true, tasks will not be enqueued for processing when their enqueue() or enqueue_later() methods are called. Instead, the method will simply return None without enqueuing the task, allowing for the disabling of task execution. This can be useful in scenarios where tasks need to be temporarily disabled or when testing/debugging task code.

It is important to note that this setting only affect tasks when their enqueue() or enqueue_later() methods are called and that tasks can still be executed manually even if this setting is set to True.