
This module provides a simple interface allowing django to absorb events, eg from Pub/Sub push subscriptions or EventArc.

Events are communicated using django’s signals framework. They can be handled by any app (not just django-gcp) simply by creating a signal receiver.


Please see Authenticating Webhooks and PubSub messages to learn about authenticating incoming messages

Events Endpoints

If you have django_gcp installed correctly (see Add the endpoints), using python show_urls will show the endpoints for events.

Endpoints are POST-only and require two URL parameters, an event_kind and an event_reference. The body of the POST request forms the event_payload.

So, if you POST data to then a signal will be dispatched with event_kind="my-event" and event_reference="my-reference".

Creating A Receiver

This is how you attach your handler. In your-app/ file, do:

import logging
from django.dispatch import receiver
from import event_received
from import decode_pubsub_message

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

def receive_event(sender, event_kind, event_reference, event_payload, event_parameters):
    """Handle question updates received via pubsub
    :param event_kind (str): A kind/variety allowing you to determine the handler to use (eg "something-update"). Required.
    :param event_reference (str): A reference value provided by the client allowing events to be sorted/filtered. Required.
    :param event_payload (dict, array): The event payload to process, already decoded.
    :param event_parameters (dict): Extra parameters passed to the endpoint using URL query parameters
    :return: None
    # There could be many different event types, from your own or other apps, and
    # django-gcp itself (when we get going with some more advanced features)
    # so make sure you only act on the specific kind(s) you want to handle
    if event_kind is "something-important":
        # Here is where you handle the event using whatever logic you want
        # CAREFUL: See the tip above about authentication (verifying the payload is not malicious)
        print("DO SOMETHING IMPORTANT WITH THE PAYLOAD:", event_payload)
        # Your payload can be from any arbitrary source, and is in the form of decoded json.
        # However, if the source is Eventarc or Pub/Sub, the payload contains a formatted message
        # with base64 encoded data; we provide a utility to further decode this into something sensible:
        message = decode_pubsub_message(event_payload)
        print("DECODED PUBSUB MESSAGE:" message)


To handle a range of events, use a uniform prefix for all their kinds, eg:

if event_kind.startswith("my-"):
    my_handler(event_kind, event_reference, event_payload)

Generating Endpoint URLs

A utility is provided to help generate URLs for the events endpoint. This is similar to, but easier than, generating URLs with django’s built-in reverse() function.

It generates absolute URLs by default, because integration with external systems is the most common use case.

import logging
from import get_event_url

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

    event_parameters={"a":"parameter"},  # These get encoded as a querystring, and are decoded back to a dict by the events endpoint. Keep it short!
    url_namespace="gcp-events",  # You only need to edit this if you define your own urlpatterns with a different namespace


By default, get_event_url generates an absolute URL, using the configured settings.BASE_URL. To specify a different base url, you can pass it explicitly:

relative_url = get_event_url(

non_default_base_url = get_event_url(

Generating and Consuming Pub/Sub Messages

When hooked up to GCP Pub/Sub or eventarc, the event payload is in the form of a Pub/Sub message.

These messages have a specific format (see

To allow you to interact directly with Pub/Sub (i.e. publish messages to a topic), or for the purposes of testing your signals, django-gcp includes a make_pubsub_message utility that provides an easy and pythonic way of constructing a Pub/Sub message.

For example, to test the signal receiver above with a replica of a real pubsub message payload, you might do:

from import make_pubsub_message
from datetime import datetime

class YourTests(TestCase):
    def test_your_code_handles_a_payload_from_pubsub(self):
        payload = make_pubsub_message({"my": "data"},

        response =
            reverse("gcp-events", args=["the-event-kind", "the-event-reference"]),

    self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 201)

Exception Handling

Any exception that gets raised in the handlers will be hidden from the user to prevent disclosure of information that may lead to attack.

Instead, a BAD_REQUEST (400) status code is returned with a generic error message.


We’ll work on adding a way of returning more useful information to the end user, which will probably be based on raising a ValidationError or similar, a bit like using DRF serialisers.

However, this is low priority right now so as always, if you need this feature, ping us on GitHub!